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Arlyn Molina

Superstar Consultant

(956) 744-5966

My Story

About 9 years ago, my mother came home with a box she held carefully. She opened it, pulled out what looked like a cute little green pot, and placed two cubes in its dish. She switched it on, and we all walked away. Minutes later, this sweet aroma filled the living room and made its way into my bedroom. That is when I fell in love with Scentsy! We discovered that there were scents to make the holidays a little more festive and the slow days a little more exciting. Home became not just a place to relax, but a place to fully indulge our sense of smell.

I joined the Scentsy family, because I am a true believer of the product. When I married my husband, one of the first products we bought together was a Scentsy warmer. We moved to Houston for a couple of years, away from our loved ones, but having Scentsy felt like being at home.

Scentsy is a big deal for our family. We have three munchkins, and every time we change our bars, our boys will vote for their favorite and place them in the warmer. We then enjoy the scent throughout our home, as the days go on...

I would love for you to try it out and see for yourself! Feel free to browse my site and contact me with any questions. I am here for YOU.



What's warming in my home